Hellfire Club Song Performer Casting Pitch


Hellfire Club is an original song, inspired by real incarnations of the club and popular fictionalizations.

I would like you to consider contributing vocals and potentially performing in a music video or trailer. If you’re interested we can discuss your compensation.

The recording is studio polished. Apart from swapping in the featured artist vocals this could serve as the final mix. The supplied cover artwork by Mark Reynolds (@stuff_by_mark) would be customized in your likeness and you would get credit as a featured artist on publication across streaming platforms.

Making an animated video is also a possibility. I am open to input on creative and logistical elements of the project.

Wordpress spectrum audio

White Queen

You’ve got
The soul that I want
A body my font
Distinguished, elegant

Black Queen

I’ll drink to the game
Lavish you in chains
A chamber of embers

Burgundy King (Harry)

I’m a living ghost
On my throne
Fiery chills
Make me bold

White & Black Queens

We’re the hidden ruling class
Queens innovating first and last
The inner circle of hellfire everlast
Our affections turn you to ash

Black Queen

Stands alone
Our atoms
Rich with code

White Queen

Mutant and proud
Couture our shroud
Heels to throats
Winners pronounced

Burgundy King

I’ll relish
Your soul to the bone

White Queen

A sinful ball
I never fast

Black Queen

Lucky you
My willing catch

White & Black Queens

We’re the hidden ruling class
Queens innovating first and last
The inner circle of hellfire everlast
Our affections turn you to ash

Thank you for reviewing my project. I look forward to discussing it with you soon.

Harry Topalian